
Destination Postcard (Guided Tour)

When you have a few minutes either in the morning with a cup of coffee or the evening with a glass of wine or cup of tea –  sit down in a quite place...
....with some instrumental music playing...
...and dream a little...
Imagine your life one year from today. It has been a GREAT YEAR. You are GRATEFUL for the person you have become. It wasn't always easy, but every hurdle made you stronger and what you learned about yourself and who you are and what you offer the world has made you excited to get out of bed in the morning...
...paint a picture of what your life looks like now.
Describe it in as much detail as possible the transformation you experienced.
Use the questions as prompts to consider. 
When you're ready...

Click the button below to start.


Question 1 of 11

Start with these two sentences:
1. Today is (write the date 1 year from today)______________.
Life is so different now. This biggest change I've made is...

Question 2 of 11

My energy level used to be..... but now...


I never thought I would enjoy.....but since I've been practicing.......I'm ....... 


Question 3 of 11

My main focus right now is.....I'm super excited about the possibility of .....

Question 4 of 11

I used to worry about....but now...

Question 5 of 11

My family is noticing... this feels really......

Question 6 of 11

I feel an amazing sense of freedom when I...

Question 7 of 11

Last year my strength it is...



Question 8 of 11


The new foods I've been eating over the last year are... 

Question 9 of 11

When it comes to rest (mental, physical, and spiritual) I've been practicing....and it's been great.

Question 10 of 11

Because I have been consistent and accountable with my health practice, other areas of my life are changing: (relationships, work, creativity, home environment) Please describe these changes in as much detail as possible.

Question 11 of 11

I'm the kind of person who...

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