How do you find truth in your life?
This week's challenge is to find truth. Often this is something we know when we here it or see it. We can feel a big YES arise from inside and we find ourselves nodding in agreement or thinking, "That is SO true."
But how do we attract more of what is true and let go of what isn't.
That's what this weeks video challenge is all about. Often finding truth means shedding light on the lies, half-truths and deception. Sometimes we've believed or said something so often it became a part of who we are and now it needs to go because it is holding us back from who we want to become.
My coaching groups have identified this practice as "breaking up with lies." This is one of the most powerful things we can do to bring about transformation that leads us to the life we truly want to live.
I'd love to hear from you this week about truth you find or lies you're break ties with.
Please share your insights so we can all grow stronger together.
This is a great reminder from George Lucus...Focus determines your reality and it ties right in with today's Focus Point - FAITH.
I've been thinking a lot about faith for quite awhile, because I am passionate about seeing what I hope for, both in my life and in the lives of those I serve.
I hope today's post reminds you to find a little "faith" in your life this week.
Do you struggle with consistency?
This used to be my biggest challenge whether it was working out or balancing my checkbook until I learned the lesson of the seed.
No matter how little or seed-like an action is, if we plant the seed and nurture it daily it will grow and produce a harvest, however, If we never plant that little action, or quit watering that little guy, he'll wither and die.
Our struggle is thinking an action is too small to make a difference, but consistency is the key take away here.
I challenged my husband with this concept years ago when I challenged him to do 1 pushup, but do it every day. He took my challenge and grew his little pushup into a 10 minute daily routine. This small, but consistent routine helped him lose over 60 pounds and keep it off.
Now I have a challenge for you. I created mini workout which can be done in the time it takes for your coffee or tea to brew in the morning. Please don't assume it's size is a reflection of its might.
If you're alr...
This recipe has caused quite a stir with my family, friends and clients.
It takes less than 10 minutes prep time to make. It breaks down to 2 minutes to throw a few things in the crock pot in the morning and about 5 two whisk together a few others 10 minutes before serving.
Whether you doing low carb, keto, paleo, or you're just looking for a good soup that is protein rich and yummy, this is a must have in your collection.
This simple trick can make your carrots and celery stay fresh for weeks.
Why on earth would I make mayo when I can pick it up so easily at the store?
Because the vegetable oils and preservatives in processed food like mayo can really cause havoc on our bodies. These types of oils and sugar can cause oxidation and inflammation in your body. NOT good - See this video to learn more.
I was pretty excited when I saw the the cover of a bottle of store-bought "Mayo with Olive Oil", but if you turn it around to read the label. You find it has the same old bad oils in it among some other unsavory sugar. Why does sugar need to be in mayo?
Let's just say there's more bad stuff than good stuff. If you really want scratch your head for awhile, do a Google search on "what is natural flavor." Ick!
...So let's just make it ourselves...shall we...
Watch how easy it is.
I'm very excited to introduce you to my friend Laura Harper today of OsteoStrong.
I had a chance to interview her and learn how to increase the strength of my bones, muscles, tendons and balance in only 7 minutes once a week.
Does this replace exercise? No, absolutely not, but it allows us to get more out of each workout and for those can't exercise much because of osteoporosis, it gets them to a place where they can increase their strength and move towards exercise.
The best part about all of this is it's an absolutely drug free way to increase bone density and so much more.
I hope you enjoy this video.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
Eating salmon (wild) is one of the best ways to get Omega 3 fats. We ALL need these essential fatty acids and this is a tasty way to get them.
Often we get really complicated about our health and wellness programs, but the reality is if we just brought up the nutrients and water a bit in our diet we would feel a whole lot better.
Today, I discuss a little bit about Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) particularly Omega 3s.
I'm also going to show you how to get this magnificent nutrient in a wonderful 10 minute meal.
I hope you enjoy the video. If you'd like more information about the few basic vitamins and nutrients I use, I'd be happy to share that with you.
If you'd like more recipes like this one, click on the image of the book below for more info.
We're all trying to eat healthier right? We know we need lots of vitamins, minerals, essential fats and antioxidants, but sometimes we can know we need something without a clue of what it is and why we need it.
I put together this quick video to help explain what an antioxidant does how the affect "free radicals" (I think that's what my parents called me as a teenager.)
I hope you enjoy the video and if you have any questions about terms you hear or things you'd like to know more about, let me know, I'm always looking for new topics to create good health where ever I can.
If you interested in more guidelines for eating healthy and some quick easy recipes, you can check out The 10 Minute Chef Cookbook by clicking on the image below.
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