Today is the first day of Lent. While I'm not Catholic, I have observed Lent many times in the past and always feel I've gained some insight as a result.
Past years I have fasted from things such as: sweets, wine, snacking in front of the tv, etc.
I've also tried adding things into my life like: like cleaning out something everyday, or creating something, like a personalized card for 40 special people in my life.
The thing is I never really know what its going to be until Ash Wednesday, when I pray about it and see what inspiration strikes.
Since the first of the year I've felt compelled to share something everyday, with someone, but today it got real with the feeling I should create and share a "live" video everyday for 40 days.
I make a lot of videos, but I always have the ability to edit them, trash them, or just keep them to myself. Now it's getting real. Live is a whole different ball do-overs, cuts, redos, etc.
If anyone asks what I'm giving up this year, it is fear...fear of sharing without editing. This is so far outside of my comfort zone I had to just get the first one done without thinking about it too much, or I would have found way too many excuses.
Here's video number 1.
I'll be seeing you everyday with some type of training, insight, or inspiration.
I have a few ideas, but I'd rather know what's on your mind, so help me out with your comments and requests please...
Hugs & Kisses
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