What are you hoping for?
Are you expecting results and not getting them as fast as you want?
Don't quit!
Did you start off strong in the beginning of the journey but now feel frustrated because you expected something different?
Don't quit!
Every project worth pursuing requires more of us than we think it will.
We think we know what we're getting in to, but unfortunately too many of us quit..
just before our breakthrough
before we get to take in the view at the top of the mountain
before we get to be the people we need to be to make the climb
Don't quit!
Sometimes when we start our journey, we're in the foothills and we start thinking, "This isn't so bad." Then we get on the mountain and it takes longer and is substancially different than we expected.
Don't quit!
Sometimes when we're on the mountain, we're like a car loaded down with rocks climbing a steep hill. We don'’t go very fast, but...
...as we climb we get stronger
...as we climb we get wiser and start leaving behind the...
The little things matter...
What kind of little things?
What we do everyday.
What do you do everyday?
Think about it a minute...
Have you incorporated habits or rituals in your life you do without thinking and without fail?
The people I work with who achieve lasting results are the ones who have designed and established life-long habits for the body and life they want.
There are also those who have not achieved lasting results, and this is one of the saddest things to me, so I wanted to do a video about it.
There are 3 main reasons why habits fail to stick when we try to adopt a new healthy behavior.
Today I wanted to introduce you to one of my favorite things...I feel like Oprah;-)
It is my Flip Belt. I used to have belts that carried things like car keys, phone and driver's license, but it would always bounce around when I ran or jumped.
That's why I like this belt. It fit's snug to your waist and doesn't bounce. It also packs easy if I'm traveling.
Thought you might want to see it.
Though you might want to see it.
When I first started running I used to have horrible pain in my calves, which led to plantar fascitis and ultimately a stress fracture in my thigh.
Today is #28 of the 40 Day's of Training Videos and I'm going to reveal what I learned about eliminating tightness in my muscles and fascia with this unique little ball.
Before I got the ball I'm showing in today's video, I did these same movements with a tennis ball and received some relief, but it wasn't quite firm enough.
If you struggle with pain in your calves, feet, or hips see if these techniques bring you some relief.
I do these movements before working out and find that it improves my mobility as well as decreases pain and tightness.
Do you struggle with pain, tightness, and limited mobility?
Do you ever get frustrated because you're working like crazy toward a goal or project and the results aren't coming fast enough?
This is what I've been thinking about a lot lately. I've been steadily and consistently working on a project for 3 months and I want to see results...more results....quicker results...
I was encouraged in my quiet time today to think about the seasons. I started to realize that much of our work happens on the front end to prepare the ground, clear the weeds and plant the seeds.
Sometimes it feels like all the work of nurturing these seeds or habits isn't paying off, because the results aren't matching up to the work we're putting in.
What we forget is there's a lot happening below the surface. Our seeds need time to take root and be nourished before we ever see the result of our effort.
Today's video is to encourage you to continute to nurture and water the seeds of the project you're working on – to be diligent to pull out the weeds of the bad...
I meet a lot of people who think in order to lose weight they have to give up everything they love, including wine.
I used to think this, but then I learned how to have my wine and lose weight too.
I'm not encouraing wine consumption, or saying it's good, bad, healthy, or harmful. What I am saying is paying attention to our consumption choices is important to creating a plan that's right for us – we can stick with.
As we become aware of our habits and desires, we can refine them in a a way that makes sense for us.
This is what training is all about. - Practice, observe, refine, repeat.
This video is about how I have refined my diet to be able to include wine and still create and sustain the body I want.
Cheers!...Thanks to Cathryn Farley Photography for the shot below.
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